Things That K-wave Has Taught Me (Part 1)

  • Learning English

Before K-wave thingy booming in my country, I was initially there since the second generation of kpop group band. When the first time I entered the k-wave (hallyu), i really couldn’t speak nor write in English at all, so i couldn’t grab the hot news as fast as them who can read English due to the limitation of language. I couldn’t even write the word of ‘Because’, I even didn’t understand about simple tense, how do we form an interrogative sentence, and any basic structure about English.

To think about it now, Oh.. i looked so miserable at that time. Then I tried hard to understand & learn English for the sake of my favorite. I took English private class & so on, I always brought dictionary to everywhere I go, I tried a lot to have a convo in English with my friends who were good in English, I also tried hard to read every single article with English translation. In the last year of senior high school, all students had to take the English final practical exam, it was a speaking test. At that time I firmly believed that I have improved this language a lot.

So here I am, entering the examination room & facing the examiner which was my english teacher in my 2nd year of senior high school. She of course knew me well because I always failed at every tasks she gave, and she once caught me cheating in the class & scolded me in front of 40 students. Dear readers, you guys must be can feel how frightened it was that im gonna enter her room for being tested by her.
Me: “hello, Ma’am”

Teacher: “how you doing, amy? Lets start the exam, have you prepared your own papers?”

Me: “yes, Ma’am. It’s a story about a person that inspired me these days.”

Teacher: (She looked surprise & widely opened her eyes) “Ok..”




I still remember how well I did the exam at that time, she sincerely smiled and nodded every time I spoke line by line. After finishing my storytelling, i caught tears on her cheeks. Shocked, I was thinking if my story is too cheesy or unreasonable or whaat? Did I do wrong? Or she……

Teacher: “I know you will end up well, Amy. (She was still teary) What major do you want to take after graduating from high school?”

Me: (Still in schock mode) “Umm.. I want to be a designer, Ma’am”

Teacher: “Do you like design that much? Are you sure?”

Me: “Yes, Ma’am. So many people praise my art work so it motivates me a lot to enter art major.”

Teacher: “You know what.. you were being talked by some teachers in our room. Bahasa Indonesia’s & Japanese’s teachers praised you that you have a good skill in languages. Me too. I realized that you improved a lot that fast. How did you do that? How did your way to learn that fast?”

Me: “Dictionary always in my hand every time I go, even going to canteen & toilet, Ma’am. I read a lot English article these days because finally i found my interest field.”

Teacher: “Don’t you just take france or japanese literature major? I think your talent is there..”

Me: “Umm, i never think about that, Ma’am.”

And she let me go out from the room with smile. From her reaction & words, she was like cherished me, appreciated & valued me. She made me feeling proud of what I did in past year. In my high school certificate, I saw strange high score on the list, It’s 85 in English practical exam. Almost same score as Japanese (89) & Bahasa Indonesia (87). Simply I passed the exam.


Thats how I learned English in 2009~2010 because I like Korean Wave. Will continue to the Part 2, what is that? 🙂

Unpopular K-drama, telling about the depth of preparing a marriage

It took long time to not write. all those time I used to write about flight attendant, but this time I’m eager to write down about how I feel during watching an unpopular korean drama titled ‘Can we get married?‘. It has 20 episodes in total. Let’s check it out!! 😉

Can We Get Married?’s cast

I used to watch a korean drama by suggestion from friends. I won’t watch if it’s not sensational or unpopular, I give a thought a lot about who will be the cast, if they are all good looking or not? (well this one has to be required haha) but the most important is of course, the plot story.

Lately, I fell in love with Bang Sung Joon ‘s deep & sexy voice. I knew him from another korean drama ‘Hyde, Jekyll, I’, though he played as the second male lead, however; it’s not forbidden to like the second male lead, isn’t it? kkkk. He doesn’t only have that sexy voice but also good looking and very tall (187cm y’know!) and what I get attracted lately is actors these days are almost at the same age like me, like the gap is one till’ three years, make me possible to imagine if I can be their friend and get closer HAHAHAHA. lol. ignore me.

And then I made a day to acknowledge him on internet, then an image of him & Jung So Min kissing appeared! I screamed and said “omg, he once played with Somin?” She’s sooo beautiful and cute! I think every girl who likes korean drama will know her, she once played as Oh Hani in Playful Kiss and being partner with Kim Hyun Joong if I’m not mistake. I clicked that drama, then ~tadaaaa~ I downloaded all 20 episodes and started to watch & follow the story line..


I think what I say above is the foreword, thanks for reading anyway haha. Okay here come the real review of ‘Can We Get Married?’

The story line has 4-5 couples whose have subplot also in the story itself. They are very related to the main couple, Jung Hoon (Sung Joon) & Hae Yoon (Jung Somin). Here are the characters..

1. Jung hoon & Hae Yoon : as the main couple who are in the middle of preparing their marriage. Both soooo lovely in the first. They easily fight but also easily apologize & forgive in their sweet way. Their problem started when the family got to know each other to set the wedding date and Hae Yoon’s Mom is kind of materialistic & show off since she’s a single parent that made Jung Hoon’s Mom dislikes her Mom, Jung Hoon’s mom is also kind of overbearing and doesn’t want to lost her family pride since Jung Hoon comes from a wealthy family. eww… during watching I feel like wanna punch both Mom! I get annoying when their scene met. The episode goes nicely but their static of relationship is getting lower of each episode.. Obstacles are every where, from the money problem to get the reservation of a wedding hall, the money problem about which house they will stay, even they once fight about wedding gift.. both Mom’s aren’t going along well (they keep showing a two-faced like they like each other while the fact is they hate each other). Jung Hoon’s Mom is a bit stingy person, she doesn’t want to spend money a lot because she wants Jung Hoon starts a family like zero to uncounted, like she did with Jung Hoon’s Dad.

Firstly, I shocked at the first eps because of kind of vulgar….ups sorry…. I was about “omg, song joon-ah you are kind of great actor at kissing…” well I think it’s because he’s still at young age (24 yo) where he’s probably on the fire giving the audience with the great service at trying to get the chemistry with the partner. But I admit the couple have the chemistry and it made seeing them so lovely <3333 In conclusion, the early episodes gave us the common problems that couple might suffer before decide to get married.

2. Ki Joong & Dong Bi : Their story is kinda interesting.. Ki Joong is Jung Hoon’s older cousin from his Mom’s side while Dong Bi is Hae Yoon’s bestfriend, This couple story begins when Dong Bi expressed how envy was she towards Hae Yoon, because Hae Yoon just got proposed by Jung Hoon. Dong Bi wants Ki Joong proposing her too since they have dated for 5 years… But Ki Joong didn’t have any intention to marry her since first time that made Dong Bi feeling so hurt. So they broke up… as the episode goes, Ki Joong is just more bastard as he is (lol) he even forced to get married with a woman from chaebol family.. all his purpose is to enhance his family wealth. But the woman didn’t have any interest to Ki Joong, so when they were about to have honeymoon to Paris, the woman ran away from & left Ki Joong alone at Airport.. at that time, Ki Joong like lost his pride… I was all about giving him hatred anyway, because I hate man like Ki Joong who only want to have a s*x with Dong Bi, I’m hurt seeing Dong Bi.. 😦 But Dong Bi is stupid enough because she still loves Ki Joong… At some time, Dong Bi is found out as a child from a chaebol family in Busan! Yeah, what would it be going to this couple? hehehehe… :p

3. Hae Jin & Do Hyun : Hae Jin is Hae Yoon sister, she married with Do Hyun who is a plastic surgery specialist. They live wealthy and have a child.. Hae Jin’s Mom which is also Hae Yoon’s all about praised Hae Jin because she got husband a doctor. I’m tired to watch their story because it’s too extreme of domesticity.. Do Hyun has an affair and made Hae Jin gets angry.. Their divorce process is all about discussing the property.. but my tears tend to fall down whenever they fight each other, I just wish that I will not have that kind of problem when I get married later ;”)

4. Deul Ra & Min Ho : this ahjumma (50 yo) and ahjussi (42 yo) is kinda boring story… Deul Ra is Deul Ja’s sister (Deul Ja is Hae Yoon’s Mom) it started because Deul Ra likes to drive a big motorcycle.. and Min Ho is in motorcycle community.. so they fell in love because they have the same interest.. but so many obstacle to finally find out their love. In the end they fight for getting a permission from Deul Ja. I skipped many and only watch the final that they also got married and Deul Ra ahjumma got pregnant at her old age hahahhaha.. she’s still beautiful although she’s 50.


Interested? hehhe sorry for lack of writing, because I’m not yet use to write a good review about korean drama.. All I want to say is ‘This drama is so recommended!‘ for people who want to know about preparing the marriage. Because most K-drama tend to provide the ending with ‘here’s the wedding’, ‘here’s the house & money’, or the man is from chaebol family, the woman doesn’t worry about money so much. The fact is, if you’re Asian, your wedding might involved by both side’s family.. but I wish that we wouldn’t have an extreme relationship to our family-in-law in the future.. 😉 We always can have the moral story, right? hehe. Enjoy the story!

Here’s the links I used to download the drama, I’ll give you 2 sources since I downloaded all from both sites :

1. Can We Get Married full 20 eps

2. Can We Get Married full 20 eps

Thank You for them who is uploading the drama! One of best story line in korean drama land! 😉